Occasionally "Life Happens" and everything changes. January, February & March were just that... Life Happened & everything changed. Work was interrupted, personal health suffered, emotions in shambles. And then we rise from all of that for a new day, and go on. Perhaps not better, perhaps not stronger - just changed.
Things are slowly getting back to normal.
I'm fine one day & the next someone has pulled my plug. I've slowly gotten back into my exercise routine, though it's nowhere near where I want or need it to be; I just can't push myself that hard this soon. Yesterday & the day before I was skipping around like my usual maniac self & today when I woke up I felt utterly drained.
Last week I worked part time & seeing the sewing room was good. I also took it easy & was careful not to over-do it. This week I made it through a few full-time days without taking to my bed & I can't tell you how happy that makes me.
The order pile, which should have been done early last month is getting trimmed down slowly. With any luck & barring further complications or disasters it will be completed before my first event - hopefully before my customer's first events, but who knows? Certainly not me -
My trial version with squared neckline
I won't have much time for stock before my first events, but fortunately we have a decent inventory already.
All things considered - finances, stress, time, interests, event schedules - I'm taking a long break from custom work & concentrating on Ready To Wear garments. 2011 is booked anyway & I think 2012 (at this point) may be a custom-free year. I, of course, reserve the right to change my mind on a case-by-case basis...
One thing that March has taught me is how incredibly important family & personal health are. A job is just not worth some things; even a job that I'm so passionate about. No matter who I risk disappointing or angering; my family, the people I love, are 1000 times more important than someone's waistcoat or dress.
I intend to enjoy my family to the fullest. There comes a point where one has to ask, how much money is our happiness worth? Some, surely, because we can't live without it, but how much does it cost us in joy, love & life?
will be listed on For Sale page
I also have every intention of fully enjoying this event season, of seeing people who's company I delight in, making some really wonderful garments & meeting new friends.
As of right now here is our event schedule:
Original North Eastern, Mass.
LBC's Joey, NY
Depending on sales & stock this may change, I may add or subtract events as we go along. I'm also looking for an event or 2 between the EPR & SEPR as there are 3 weeks to kill and it's quite far from home - perhaps not worth the drive twice.
The thought of going west is tempting & I've never seen the Mississippi River... we will see.
My dearest lady, if you have been sick and down, and you have still sewn all these incredible garments, then I doff my cap to you! You are an inspiration, and I agree, take the time you need to feel better and right again. I know the feeling, with people demanding their garments, but in the end it is you, an artisan, who is making them, and you must be healthy and happy to do your best work.
Thank you Lauren, I really appreciate it.
Hope spring will bring brighter days for you. Your work is stunning, as always.
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